Foreign Affairs
The Auxiliary Secretariat for Foreign Affairs has the mission of providing technical and professional assistance to the government of Puerto Rico and its citizens, regarding the mechanisms available to promote economic, commercial, cultural, scientific, technological, sports, and touristic opportunities abroad. Additionally, the Auxiliary Secretariat implements foreign policies for the government of Puerto Rico, as part of the United States of America and will support the Governor, agencies, and instrumentalities of the Government in their efforts abroad.
Objetive and Goals
The education and knowledge of the international political and diplomatic scenario have been essential to determine the Auxiliary Secretariat for Foreign Affairs objectives:
- Organize and coordinate the foreign affairs of Puerto Rico within the context of our relationship with the United States of America, the world, and especially the Caribbean and Latin-American regions;
- Watch over the Puerto Ricans abroad and promote the improvement and maintenance of their relations with Puerto Rico;
- Promote the strategic insertion of Puerto Rico in the international community as a whole and as part of the diplomatic efforts of the United States of America;
- Maximize the use of our tax system as a tool for economic development;
- Promote the economic and social development of Puerto Rico through a system that is open current challenges, dynamic, flexible, and capable of adjusting to the changes of the future;
- Promote the variety of Puerto Rican cultural and academia displays in a coordinated and diplomatic manner;
- Generate tools for Puerto Rican entrepreneurs to export goods and services.